After a leisurely morning in our AirBNB house (very nice!), we went to the boat to see what needed. Boyles Marina had to move the boat out where we could get to it, so we went over to Harbor View Marina to see Bob Hall and his son on Georgean Mist. Bought his spinnacker and whisker pole! The whisker pole may be too big for our boat, so I may resell and buy a smaller one.
Spent the rest of the day working on getting the platform installed for the new windlass. My measurements last fall on the angle of the wall of the anchor locker were not accurate, but I think the parts we have will still work.
Second day working on the boat. Realized that as the boat is indoors, my batteries won’t charge (solar panels). I bought a new shore power charger several years ago, but never needed it. Spent the morning and part of the afternoon installing it. Then back to the windlass! Got both side supports installed (loosely so I can tighten it all up to make up for my poor measuring skills). Drilled holes in the forward section of the hatch cover for all the connections. Had to quit at 5, as Boyles locks the barn up at closing.
Third day…whew! We got up early and went to the boat. Several projects…make up wires from battery to new breaker to windlass controller. Jane helped feed the wires to me in “the hole. Took quite a lot of time as they got hung up. With Jane’s help we found the spot and got them through! Took the cupboard apart in the V-berth so that I could hide the windlass controller. 2 ga. wire is proving difficult to manipulate! Went to a new automotive store to pick up 6 ga. wire I ordered, and Purolator sent their entire daily shipment to Windsor! Hopefully tomorrow.
Over the next few days, we got a lot done. It took me a while to get it all coordinated: wiring, control box, circuit breaker and pulling the wire from the battery compartment to the bow (including a hose for the washdown pump (next project). We were launched on Tuesday (6/17) and continued the work I finally finished and was able to load 110′ of rope and 90′ of chain with the windlass! SUCCESS!